Five reasons vouchers are wrong for Idaho
Reason #1 - Our public schools will be defunded
Reason #2 - Most parents won't have more choice
Reason #3 - Money will leave our communities
Reason #4 - We won't know what we are paying for
Reason #5 - Our schools will become segregated

Section 33-6604 of Idaho 2023 SB-1038. https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2023/legislation/s1038/
Reason #4
We won't know what we are paying for
Private and religious schools aren’t required to keep public financial records, hire certified teachers, report standardized test scores, teach core subjects, or teach a set number of days.
​Section 33-6604 of 2023s SB-1038 states it clearly.
"This chapter does not permit any government agency to exercise control or supervision over any nonpublic school or homeschooling."
This voucher bill makes it clear that taxpayers will not be able to file public records requests to learn how taxpayer dollars are being spent at private schools. And taxpayers won't have any right to information about the curriculum they are paying for or anything else.
Voucher programs hide how our tax dollars are spent and make it impossible to know if taxpayer-funded schools are benefiting our communities.