I'm Listening to You
I have developed my policy priorities by listening to the people of Caldwell. I have personally knocked on over 6000 doors, because it is important to me to hear first hand the issues people here are concerned about.
Most candidates only listen to their friends or family members, or worse, take stands on issues based on their own personal ideology. The job of a State Senator is to represent the people of their district and you can't do that without reaching out to talk to them.
Voucher schemes are wrong for Idaho
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Vouchers, education savings accounts (ESAs), and tax rebates are different names for the same idea - diverting taxpayer dollars away from public schools to private, religious, and/or for-profit schools. Voucher schemes are wrong for Idaho.
My newsletters
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I send newsletters every month or so discussing legislative bills, off-year voting information (city elections), and more.
I occasionally post here about legislative issues.