Let's Make Idaho a Better Place for Working Families

Vote Toni Ferro
State Senate
District 11, Caldwell
About Toni Ferro
I am a 5th generation Idahoan who grew up here in Caldwell. As a kid I learned to help my neighbors when they need it, to make and keep my commitments, and to stay out of other people’s business.
Focused on the real needs of working families
Too often Idaho's legislature wastes money arguing about hot topics instead of working on the real issues that count. I will stay focused on making Idaho better for working families.
Hard Working
I worked hard managing dozens of projects in the high-tech industry, then worked two jobs while getting my PhD in engineering. I’m listening to the concerns of Caldwell’s citizens and will fight for our needs in the state house.
A common-sense decision maker
Too many legislators make decisions based on their party platform or donors. I will make decisions based on the real needs of my constituents.
Fiscally conservative
The legislature wastes too much money by passing bills they know will result in costly lawsuits and by approving spending with no accountability. I will fight against bills that do nothing to build a better future for Idahoans.
The Issues
We need a legislature that will focus on the real needs of Idahoans instead of focusing on divisive issues to attract national media attention. We need a legislature that is working hard to protect public education and to resolve the issues arising from our growth.
How you can help
Together we can make a difference for Idaho's working families. Every little bit helps.